Computer Vision and Image Processing

Neural Style Transfer

Implementation of Neural Style Transfer algorithm by Gatys et. al. (2015).

Technologies Used: Python, Pytorch

K-means Image Segmentation

A python program which segments an image using an unsupervised learning algorithm, K-means clustering in the RGB and HSV color space. Also, contains a naive K means implementation in Python without using any libraries.

Technologies Used: Python, OpenCV, scikit-learn, Numpy

Hyperspectral Image Alignment with RGB

Program to match the histograms of the two images (RGB and Hyperspectral) and perform feature based image alignment using SIFT.

Technologies Used: Python, OpenCV, scikit-image

Label Assignment to Explants

Program to assign labels to each explants in a RGB Image.

Steps performed:

  • Separate the Explants in a RGB image by dividing the image into a grid.
  • Performing kmeans on each grid and assigning labels to the clustered explant.

Technologies Used: Python, scikit-image, Pandas, Numpy

Dataset Augmentation

Python program which provides utilities to augment dataset for Computer Vision Projects.

Technologies Used: Python, OpenCV, Numpy, Pytorch

InVitro Segmentation

Trained the Deeplab v3+ model to segment the plant traits.
The segmented images are aligned with the hyperspectral images by calculating the homography matrix using optical flow.
The pipeline is used for the detection of transgenic tissues in plant tissue cultures.

Technologies Used: Python, Tensorflow, Scipy, Numpy

Plant Traits Segmentation

Trained the PSPNet model to segment the traits for plants growth analysis.
Achieved a 79.40% Mean Intersection over Union(IoU) on the test dataset.

Technologies Used: Python, Pytorch, Numpy, Pillow

Deep interactive object selection


Technologies Used: Python, Tensorflow